In another life, I think I may have been pastry chef – but not in this life. I do try to imitate one as often as I possibly can. Being a mathematical and inquisitive creature, I am not just content to follow a recipe and eat my fabulous results. I desperately want to understand the chemistry of why… Why is big for me, and I’m shocked when I have bored someone to tears with all my queries that basically ask “Why?”
Why does this recipe need soda and that one powder? What happens if I vary the cream fat or volume in this caramel? Why can’t I create my own jam recipe – people have been doing it for eons… I guess this interest stems from the need to create. One cannot be a creative baker if you don’t know “why” it works. Otherwise, you are just a slave to the knowledge and recipes of others. That has never been a comfortable position for me.
So I get inspired here and there to investigate different food items. Last month it was caramel. I have now made so many varieties of caramel, and I only feel I have scratched the tip of the iceberg. But I feel fulfilled… I am getting there. My brain is getting smarter. Yay!
The posts in the Eat category will be as varied as my interests, but usually sweet :) Please join in the fun…